A Reminder About Beck Rights With midterm elections quickly approaching, unions are again throwing money behind candidates and initiatives that benefit big labor. Most recently, AFL-CIO and other unions helped back a massive $16.3 million campaign in...
This Labor Day, Let’s Look Forward The long history of Labor Day dates back to the late 1800s and while its specific origin is still something of a debate, one thing is for certain: it was firmly rooted in the union movement. The first propo...
Janus: A win for employees, employers and … Unions? In a long-awaited, but not surprising decision, the Supreme Court ruled in late June, 2018 in a 5-to-4 vote, that public sector employees cannot be forced to pay agency fees to a union. The...
Janus v. AFSCME: Everything you need to Know Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could dramatically change the future of labor unions in this country and the political landscape in which they operate. However, the...
Millennials, Social Media & The Gig Economy. The Death of Unions or the New Face of Organized Labor? Millennials view work very differently from past generations – including the one managing them. The Great Recession of 2007, slow growth in the...
U.S. Labor Law: Change is here … But is it here to stay? Next month will mark one year since President Trump took office, Republicans took control of all three branches of government, and employers across the country breathed a collective sigh ...