Briefings Archive - IRI Consultants


White House Task Force Release Pro-Union Recommendations

White House Task Force Release Pro-Union Recommendations

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued several important rule changes and case decisions favorable to employers over the last several weeks as part of its year-end wrap-up activities and ahead of the expiration of Board Member Lauren McFerr...

A New Era: The Time to Prepare is Now

A New Era: The Time to Prepare is Now

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued several important rule changes and case decisions favorable to employers over the last several weeks as part of its year-end wrap-up activities and ahead of the expiration of Board Member Lauren McFerr...



The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued several important rule changes and case decisions favorable to employers over the last several weeks as part of its year-end wrap-up activities and ahead of the expiration of Board Member Lauren McFerr...

NLRB Issues Key Rule and Precedent Changes

NLRB Issues Key Rule and Precedent Changes

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued several important rule changes and case decisions favorable to employers over the last several weeks as part of its year-end wrap-up activities and ahead of the expiration of Board Member Lauren McFerr...

Beyond Unions’ “Safe Staffing” Rhetoric

Beyond Unions’ “Safe Staffing” Rhetoric

After years of relative stagnation, and despite regulatory and legal setbacks, union activity is ramping up nationwide. Unions have either held large-scale strikes or protests or are threatening them to gain leverage in negotiations. Have you noticed...

The Resurgence of Labor’s Biggest Threat – The Strike

The Resurgence of Labor’s Biggest Threat – The Strike

After years of relative stagnation, and despite regulatory and legal setbacks, union activity is ramping up nationwide. Unions have either held large-scale strikes or protests or are threatening them to gain leverage in negotiations. Have you noticed...

Access Denied? The NLRB overturned a 38-year precedent related to unions accessing employer sites. Learn what that means for you.

Access Denied? The NLRB overturned a 38-year precedent related to unions accessing employer sites. Learn what that means for you.

Access Denied? The NLRB overturned a 38-year precedent related to unions accessing employer sites. Learn what that means for you.   In June of 2019, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) overturned a 38-year precedent that gave union represe...

Mergers and Acquisitions Work When Cultures Combine

Mergers and Acquisitions Work When Cultures Combine

Mergers and Acquisitions Work When Cultures Combine The record-setting pace of corporate consolidation in 2018 and the first half of 2019 has made it hard to keep up with who owns which major companies in the United States and abroad. USA Today repor...

Communicating During Labor Negotiations: Control Your Message

Communicating During Labor Negotiations: Control Your Message

Communicating During Labor Negotiations: Control Your Message Many employers have experienced the tarnishing of hard-won reputations and erosion of public goodwill when labor unions launch corporate campaign tactics during contract negotiations. Othe...

Midterms: What Do They Mean for You and Your Workforce?

Midterms: What Do They Mean for You and Your Workforce?

Midterms: What Do They Mean for You and Your Workforce?   In contrast to the last major election, this year’s Midterm projections largely played out as predicted. One thing is evident: now more than ever, we are a nation divided. Progressive c...

Consumer and Employee Trust— The Ultimate Balancing Act

Consumer and Employee Trust— The Ultimate Balancing Act

Consumer and Employee Trust— The Ultimate Balancing Act   As this election season has proven, the political environment is more heated than ever. And, as a result, organizations are more exposed than ever to external political pressures.  ...

The New Face of Labor

The New Face of Labor

The New Face of Labor   In a recent Intelligence Briefing, we predicted that unionization tactics would likely become more aggressive in the private sector in light of the recent Supreme Court Janus decision and the changing face of the workforc...

Lorem Ipsum